Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's finally over..

Over the last three weeks of September I have been through the worst weeks of my life! I have been doing conditioning for basketball here at SCC and it has been a journey. I can say that I am in the best shape of my life and I can run for a very long time. I have built my endurance and my strength that lets me go a long way than what I used to. Now i'm ready for the season to start and to get into it like I really want to. I also hope we have a good season this year and we go as far as we can!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A weekend from school..

Recently I've bee nhome for the weekend and it really gives me a break from school. I had a test thursday of last week and it really had drained me. I had to emember 4 chapters for one test and i stayed up plenty of nights studying for hours. So just coming home for the weeknd was a real relief and it got my mind off alot of things. I have conditioning  to look out for Monday and I've dreading it all day! I'm not in the best of shape and I know the first coulple of days are goona suck.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day..

Labor day this year was a blast with my loved ones, family and friends. We held our family reunion on the Sunday that recently passed. It was packed in the park, it was in a park over in Jeffersonville, IN. I didn't know I had that many family members and hald of the family wasn't there due to other reasons. Being with my family makes me feel really good about myself and I love how we just all get along. But now that I'm in school I don't really get to experience those times with them as much. So my labor day weekend away from school was great and I've never had as much fun as I did.