Monday, November 22, 2010

Black Friday..

Black Friday is near and I'm so ready to bust through the doors of these stores! Every year after thanksgiving there is this huge sell throughout the world to avery store. My mom and I go every year and we buy a lot of christmas stuff and stuff we need. This year the only thing i want for black friday is clothes and a new phone. I'm supposed to wait until Christmas but why not get it now since it's way cheaper.

Coming to the end..

As we come to the end of our first simester I become a little sad and happy. Happy that I've made it this far in college and sad because I'm going to miss most of the people who aren't coming back next simester. I wish there was a way the tuition would just go down and more reasonable because SCC is really expensive. There is a slight chance of me not coming back due to tuition. I really love this school and the people I talk to here. I know my family back home would be proud of me knowing I made it this far and so am I. This has been the best first simester of my whole life and I wish it wouldn't of went this fast.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thanksgiving break..

I am so ready for Thanksgiving break and to eat all this yummy food! I haven't seen my family in over a month and I know they miss me as much as I miss them. Thanksgiving is at our house this year and I know we're going to have a blast while we're all together! My mom is excited to have it at our new house and so am I.

First Game..

I could feel the thrill of being nervous, scared, the enthusiasm and everything going through my mind of our first basketball game. I was so nervous to play our first actual game and especially besause it was away. Our team came up short at the final buzzer but we played a good game and had a chance to get out jitters out of our system. We had put in the work on the court but when we came out between those lines we wasn't the same team we was in practice. We were playing as individuals instead of a team. But many games have passed and we are one now.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Dance...

Today marks the day of the Halloween Dance here at SCC. I have been waiting since day one to go to this dance and it's finally here. My costume is ready and i'm all set for 9 o' clock to hit to get this party started ! I am going as one of the members of Run D.M.C. I hope everybody shows up wearing a costume so we have a really good contest this year. I'm going to compete just for the fun of it and if I don't  win it's just the thought that counts. So come out and support us here at SCC at the halloween fance tonight!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Women's JV Girls First Basketball Game..

As the Women's JV Girls Basketball Team open up our first game tomorrow at Kentucky Christian we are overly excited and nervous about the first game. We play at 7 p.m. tomorrow and our team is sort of little so were are just ready for the challenge. We are in the best of shape and were just ready for our first tip-off. So everybody should come out and support our first game. If not we have plenty of home games that you all can come out to and support.

Patriot Madness

Patriot Madness
Patriot Madness was one of the best events i've ever attended. It was an event for the girls and boys basketball teams and they were there to show there talents and to show the fans what they're looking like this year. There was smoke and lights everywhere and performances from the basketball teams. It looks like the seasons are going to be very successful this year. So everybody should come out and support our boy's and girls this year !